Sunday, May 26, 2019

Alfie Kohn

In the modern age of No Child Left Behind and similar mandates, in that respect has been an increased rivet placed on what informs must do in order to improve the educational outcomes of for each one and every student. It has finally become seeming that the traditional method of schooling is non as effective as once believed.Evidence of this fact can be found within the adjudicate advance of individual schools as well as entire school districts. Alfie Kohn is a leader in school reform and he focuses on non traditional ship canal to educate students so they are excited and eager to drive.Despite the motif held my umteen Americans that current methods do not work, the vast majority of schools continue to confide on back to basics strategies for instruction (Kohn, 1999, 2). While back to basics may have worked for previous generations it is not working for the current generation.Kohn emphasizes the need to shift focus away from traditional methods of school in favor of non t raditional methods in order to motivate students to want to engage. A biography of Kohn is offered as well as a discussion based on his personal contri thoions to the field of education and schoolroom management.BiographyAlfie Kohn is one of the most vocal critics of the intense focus placed on regularize tests and test scores (Kohn, 1998, 1). His theories and ideas have motivated many educators and administrators to reexamine the way that students learn and the way that teachers teach.Kohn began his career as a high school teacher and enjoyed making improvements to his platform and lesson plans in order to provide the best educational experiences for his students.After Kohn left the classroom he realized that using the same curriculum in the same way for each group of students is not the most effective way to motivate students to learn. Instead, he realized that adapting the course material to each group of students was a more effective way to provide authentic learning experie nces that left students wanting to know more (Kohn, 1998, 1).Kohn also spent a great deal of time observing other teachers and engaging in dialogue with education experts in order to present a cohesive posture of the education system in America. Kohn is most well known for his stand against teaching to the test and relying on test scores as adequate measures of educational progress.Kohn also is known for his idea that the ultimate outcome of education is not that each child receive all As because this is not the charge up of school. Finally, Kohn is known for his idea that current assessment measures are not adequate and do not give a clear representation of what really happens in classrooms (Kohn, 1998, 1).Contributions to EducationThe most important contribution that Alfie Kohn has made in the field of education is the shift in focus that has occurred from assessment measures such as standardized tests to a more comprehensive view of education that is primarily concerned with st udents ability to learn and keep on learning (Kohn, 2004, 27).Kohn emphasizes that the intense focus placed on grading and assessment has taken away the potential for authentic learning experiences that truly benefit students rather than simply teach them how to take a test.Further, teachers pass by so much time worrying about what amount or level of work constitutes what grade when their focus should be on enabling students to ca-ca significant progress in their understanding of certain subjects regardless of what grade they end up with (Kohn, 2004, 28).This contribution is essential within the education field because it has allowed teachers to head the traditional methods of instruction and begin to consider non traditional methods that may motivate students to learn more than what is possible through traditional education.It has also motivated many educators to begin to work with experts and policy makers in the field in order to discover alternate ways to assess student progr ess that does not rely solely on the outcome of standardized testing (Kohn, 2004, 28).A similar idea that has stemmed from the idea that alternate testing measures must be discovered is the idea that grades cause students to do as little as possible and still get a good grade. In this way, grades actually disable the desire to learn more because students quickly find out how little they can get away with and still receive an acceptable grade (Kohn, 2004, 28).At the same time, the motivation to learn more decreases as student desire to receive a good grade increases. Students who receive grades based on performance are reluctant to analyze challenging things because of their fear of failing and/or receiving a poor grade.On the other hand, students who are encouraged to think for themselves and explore topics that interest them without the fear of being order are more likely to recall the information that they learn as well as continue to seek opportunities to learn new things (Kohn , 2004, 28).While this certainly does not mean that schools are going to stop handing down grades to students this idea has allowed many educators to reexamine the way they assess their students in order to provide ample hazard for students to learn without the fear of failure.Another important realization that has come from Kohns view of traditional assessment models is that there must be an educational goal buttocks assessing students.In other words, assessment must be used to enhance the educational opportunities for students. Instead, assessment is most often used to categorize students and determine who is smarter than whom or as a technique to motivate students to work harder in order to get the A (Kohn, 2004, 28).Therein lies the problem with standardized tests. Kohn emphasizes that standardized tests do not truly provide how much teaching or learning has taken place. Instead, they simply show how well a child can do on a test on any given day and/or how well a student is able to guess on questions they do not know (Kohn, 2004, 28).Kohn has open up the eyes of educators and allowed many of them to see the error of their ways in relying solely on the outcome of standardized tests in measuring student progress. Kohn has also coerce many experts and policy makers within the field of education to realize that perhaps there is a better way to determine how well Americas students are doing in school.Contributions to Classroom ManagementKohn has questioned the use of traditional discipline strategies that focus on getting students to do what the teacher wants them to do. Traditionally, the teacher creates a set of classroom rules and expects students to obey them.These rules often include detailed consequences that accompany them in order to show students what will happen to them if they break one of the rules (Kohn, 2006, 1). Similar to his work with standardized tests and assessment measures, Kohns work with classroom management has forced many teachers to reexamine how they approach classroom management.Obviously, it is necessary that students be taught to how to behave appropriately in the classroom in order to create an environment conducive to learning. However, Kohn feels that classroom management is significantly more effective if students take part in creating feel for environments rather than being expected to follow the rules decided upon by the teacher (Kohn, 2006, 1).In other words, Kohn has shown teachers that not all discipline problems are because students are naughty but rather because a caring community has not been created that encourages students to work together to learn and grow.

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